ESGCT Spring School in collaboration with SETGYC
5 - 7 April, 2017
The 2017 ESGCT Spring School was hosted in partnership with the Spanish Society of Gene and Cell Therapy (SETGyC), the Pfizer-Universidad de Granada-Junta de Andalucía Centre for Genomic and Oncological Research (GENYO) and the Universidad de Granada Medical School on April 5 to 7 at the Parque Tecnológico de la Salud (PTS) in Granada.
As part of ESGCT's continuous aim to support young researchers, ESGCT teamed up with national societies and institutions, who share this spirit, and have raised funds to allow students to take part to this Spring School for free.
This intensive three day training course with leading researchers from the field of Gene and Cell Therapy included debates and networking with Europe's current and future leaders in the field. It is in particular dedicated to the training of Students and Post-docs.
The Spring School was organized by Hildegard Büning, ESGCT; DGGT, DZIF and MHH with the help of
Local Organizers: Francisco Martin, Marién Cobo, Pilar Muñoz y Karim Benabdellah and M José Mora (SETGyC)(GENYO. FPS.UGR).
SETGyC: Ramón Alemany, Gloria Aseguinolaza y Guillermo Guenechea
With thanks to our generous sponsors.