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CAR-T cell, from bench to bedside

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Thursday 26 September - 5th floor Laboratory building


Session I & II

11:30    José Antonio Pérez Simón, University of Sevilla , Ricardo Pardal, IBIS y junta directiva de SETGYC

12:00    Estefanía García Guerrero, Ibis, Sevilla
INV01  Biology of CAR T cells
CAR-T are synthetic receptors composed of an extracellular antigen binding domain of a monoclonal antibody linked to an intracellular domain composed of a TCR-derived CD3ζ chain. Genes encoding CAR-T targeting specific-tumor antigens can be inserted into the T cells leading to cytolytic activity, cytokine release and memory responses.

  • Objectives

    • What is a CAR-T?

    • How to design a CAR gene

    • How to generate a CAR-T cell

    • Version of CAR-T cells

  • Tools

    • CAR-T design

    • Homework

    • Virtual visit

13:00    Maribel Lara, Ibis, Sevilla
INV02   Viral Production
One of the most versatile gene transfer methods involves the use of recombinant lentiviral vectors since they can transduce both dividing and nondividing cells, are considered to be safe and provide long-term transgene expression

  • Objectives

    • What is a vector?

    • Types of vectors to produce CAR-T cells

    • Lentiviral vectors

    • How to generate lentiviral vectors

  • Tools

    • LV vector design

    • Biorreactors

    • Virtual visit


Overview of the CAR-T production circuit within the campus

Sessions III & IV a (6/7 students) & b (6/7 students)

16:00    Gloria Carmona
INV04   Regulatory and quality assurance

17:00    Teresa Caballero,
INV05   Infusion and follow-up

  • Cytometry

  • Homework

Closing remarks
Dinner & networking with professors


Friday 27 September - 5th floor Laboratory building


09:00-10:00 Session V
09:00    Juan Luis Reguera & Jose Antonio Perez Simon, University of Sevilla
Clinical visit

10:00    Juan Luis Reguera, Virginia Escamilla, Francisco Martín, 
Visit to the facilities of apheresis and cell production, cryobiology and clinical ward (Juan Luis Reguera, MD; Virginia Escamilla, MD&PhD; Francisco Martín, MD)
The process involves using leukapheresis to separate the mononuclear cells. After a sufficient number of cells have been harvested, the leukapheresis product can be enriched for T-cells. Separation of T cell subsets at the level of CD4/CD8 composition using specific antibody bead conjugates or markers is an additional step that may be performed.

Coffee Break

Session VI & VII: Practical sessions a (6/7 students) & b (6/7 students)

11:30    Estefanía García Guerrero, Ibis, SevillaMaribel Lara, Ibis, Sevilla

  • Cell Culture room

  • QC cytometry to release a CAR T cell for a patient (Belén Sierro)

The production of CAR T cells requires several carefully performed assays; quality control testing is performed throughout the entire process.


Session VIII: Innovation in CARTs

16:00    Javier Briones, Hospital san Pau

16:50    Cierre y despedida

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